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3.3 Managing the Airport as a Stand-Alone Business

Airports are moving toward operating more as a business in order to generate increased revenue to support airport operations. Thus, the role of the modern airport manager has evolved over time from an operational coordinator to include business manager and economic or property developer.

ACRP Legal Research Digest 8: The Right to Self-Fuel
Explores the meaning of and constraints involved with self-fueling at airports.

ACRP Report 19A: Resource Guide to Airport Performance Indicators
Explores airport performance indicators (APIs) for use in benchmarking and performance measurement. These APIs are sorted by functional type and their criticality to the airport strategic plan. More than 800 performance indicators are presented in three main categories: Core, Key, and Other APIs.

ACRP Report 77: Guidebook for Developing General Aviation Airport Business Plans
Guidance designed to help airports develop and implement an airport business plan and maximize financial self-sufficiency. The guidebook identifies the role, value, and the compelling reasons for having an airport business plan as it applies to all sizes of airports; highlights the elements of an airport business plan; and addresses each step of the development and implementation process.

FAA Advisory Circular 150/5190-7: Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities
Provides basic information about the FAA’s recommendations on commercial minimum standards and related policies. Although minimum standards are optional, the FAA highly recommends their use and implementation as a means to minimize the potential for violations of federal obligations at federally obligated airports.

FAA Order 5190.6: Airport Compliance Manual, Chapter 8: Exclusive Rights
Provides information for sponsor’s federal obligations under Grant Assurance 23: Exclusive Rights, which prohibits an airport sponsor from granting an exclusive right to the use of the airport, including granting an exclusive right to any person or entity providing or intending to provide aeronautical services to the public.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Small Airport Management
Examples of potential KPIs useful in managing small airports.