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3.4 Revenue Generation and Diversification

Airport managers should continually seek to maximize all revenue sources at their facilities. Revenue-generating opportunities at each airport are unique and driven by each airport setting. The opportunities may include aeronautical and nonaeronautical development.

ACRP Report 47: Guidebook for Developing and Leasing Airport Property
Explores issues associated with developing and leasing available airport land and summarizes best practices from the perspective of the airport sponsor.  The guidebook includes a diverse set of case studies that show several approaches airports have taken to develop and lease property for both aeronautical uses and nonaeronautical uses.

ACRP Report 108: Guidebook for Energy Facilities Compatibility with Airports and Airspace
Describes processes to plan, develop, and construct energy production and transmission technologies at and around airports. The guidebook emphasizes aviation safety practices in order to help ensure a safe and efficient national air system while still helping to meet U.S. domestic energy production needs.

ACRP Report 141: Renewable Energy as an Airport Revenue Source
Explores challenges airports may anticipate when considering renewable energy as a revenue source. These considerations include the airport’s geography and terrain, infrastructure, real estate, energy costs, public policy, regulatory and compliance requirements, tax credits, sponsor assurances, ownership, impacts to navigation and safety, security, staffing issues, and many others. The guidebook also includes detailed financial information on the cost and performance of projects that have been implemented by airports.

ACRP Research Report 176: Generating Revenue from Commercial Development On or Adjacent to Airports
Provides guidance for developing or redeveloping on-airport and adjacent properties so that development can contribute to overall airport revenue. The report explores methods and considerations and provides specific checklists to assist airports in preparing and implementing a commercial development plan. It addresses advantages and disadvantages of on-airport versus off-airport land development opportunities, as well as marketing and legal issues.

ACRP Synthesis 19: Airport Revenue Diversification
Explores the different sources of revenue for airports, separating core aeronautical revenue from ancillary revenues. The report also examines ways that airports have diversified activities and highlights the challenges that arise when nonaeronautical activity is proposed on land that is subject to FAA grants obligations and assurances

ACRP Synthesis 84: Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators
Compiles experiences and effective practices by airports in facilitating customer access to Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. This synthesis also summarizes the amount of revenue airports receive from TNCs and how TNCs are affecting airport operations and other businesses.

ACRP Synthesis 86: Airport Operator Options for Delivery of FBO Services
Explores the local considerations that go into deciding how airports provide fixed-base operator (FBO) services such as fueling, flight continuation services, maintenance, and concierge services. Explores the tools that airports use to evaluate which options work best under the general framework of traditional third-party leases, engaging a contract manager, or the airport self-operating the FBO. Decisions about which model is appropriate hinge on an evaluation of an airport’s unique local economic conditions, the details about the area’s general aviation market, and the level of interest private FBOs express about operating at a particular airport.

FAA Technical Guidance for Evaluating Selected Solar Technologies on Airports
Reference for FAA technical staff who review proposed airport solar projects and for airport sponsors that may be considering a solar installation. It addresses a wide range of topics including solar technology, electric grid infrastructure, FAA safety regulations, financing alternatives, and incentives.

FAA Order 5190.6: FAA Airport Compliance Manual
Provides basic guidance for FAA personnel in interpreting and administering the various continuing commitments airport owners make to the United States as a condition for the grant of federal funds or the conveyance of federal property for airport purposes. The order discusses the obligations set forth in the standard airport sponsor assurances, addresses the application of the assurances in the operation of public-use airports, and facilitates interpretation of the assurances by FAA personnel.