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3.5 Rates and Charges

Airports generally set rates and charges for a variety of provided services and for facilities available to the flying public. Establishing a policy for rates and charges that ensures a positive revenue flow to cover costs for the operations, maintenance, and capital development is critical for the airport to remain economically viable and self-sustaining.

FAA Memorandum FBO Industry Consolidation and Price Practices Question and Answer
FAA prepared questions and answers as a basis for discussion between the airport sponsor, the fixed-base operator, and aeronautical users on the issue of reasonable access, without unjust discrimination, at federally obligated public-use airports.

FAA Order 5190.6: Airport Compliance Manual
Provides basic guidance for FAA personnel in interpreting and administering the various continuing commitments airport owners make to the United States as a condition for the grant of federal funds or the conveyance of federal property for airport purposes. The Order discusses the obligations set forth in the standard airport sponsor assurances, addresses the application of the assurances in the operation of public-use airports, and facilitates interpretation of the assurances by FAA personnel.

Gary/Chicago International Airport Sample Rates and Charges
Sample of the rates and charges published by Gary/Chicago International Airport.

Wisconsin Airport Rates and Charges Survey
Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics public-use airports rates and charges survey results.