6.1 Community Relations

Small airports must work closely and have an active partnership with their communities. It is part of many small airport managers’ jobs to educate a wide variety of stakeholders and local public officials on the value of the airport.

ACRP Report 15: Aircraft Noise: A Toolkit for Managing Community Expectations
Explores ways to improve communications with the public about issues related to aircraft noise exposure. The report examines practices that characterize an effective communications program and provides basic information about noise and its abatement to assist in responding to public inquiries.

ACRP Report 20: Strategic Planning in the Airport Industry
Explores practical guidance on the strategic planning process for airport board members, directors, department leaders, and other employees; aviation industry associations; a variety of airport stakeholders, consultants, and other airport planning professionals; and aviation regulatory agencies.

ACRP Report 44: A Guidebook for the Preservation of Public-Use Airports
Describes why public-use airports close and identifies measures and strategies that can be undertaken to potentially help preserve and prevent an airport closure. The guidebook presents step-by-step procedures on how to identify risk factors that can increase the potential of a future airport closure and how to formulate an effective airport preservation program. The guidebook also identifies potential groups interested in preserving public-use airports and offers practical checklists for identifying and addressing issues as part of a comprehensive strategic airport planning program in support of preservation efforts.

ACRP Report 47: Guidebook for Developing and Leasing Airport Property
Explores issues associated with developing and leasing available airport land and summarizes best practices from the perspective of the airport sponsor. The guidebook includes a diverse set of case studies that show several approaches airports have taken to develop and lease property for both aeronautical uses and nonaeronautical uses.

ACRP Report 85: Developing and Maintaining Support for Your Airport Capacity Project
Designed to help airport sponsors respond to the many challenges they face when undertaking a significant capacity improvement project. The report outlines a typical project life cycle and describes project process activities and organizational activities that support and complement the technical process. The report also offers guidance for identifying, understanding, and working with various stakeholders.

ACRP Synthesis 65: Practices to Develop Effective Stakeholder Relationships at Smaller Airports
Describes practices, tools, communication techniques, feedback loops, and case examples that highlight how leaders at smaller airports proactively manage stakeholder relationships.

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Provides resources on airport development and management, airport noise, community relations, land use and obstructions, economic impact, airport funding and compliance, and airport support groups.

FAA Community Involvement Manual
Provides information to enable an understanding of the value of community involvement and describes practices and effective techniques for community participation.

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Presentation “General Aviation: Connecting Our Community to the World”
Highlights the value and use of general aviation.

“In Support of General Aviation, Many Ways to Advocate for This Industry”
Describes how the San Antonio Airport System promotes Stinson Airport, the second oldest continuously operating general aviation airport in the country.

National Business Aviation Association Member Guide for Building  Relationships with Elected Officials
Provides tips on building relationships and communicating with elected officials.

National Business Aviation Association Airport Advocate Guide
Provides step-by-step guidance for those who wish to advocate for their local general aviation airport.

“Redmond Municipal Uses Communication, Planning to Mitigate Regional Impact of 3-Week Closure 
Describes how Redmond Municipal Airport’s comprehensive communication program was a critical component of its successful runway reconstruction project.