4.13 Special Events

Airport special events can be aeronautical, such as a fly-in or air show, or nonaeronautical, such as a car show or community event. Preparation is needed and based on the type of special event; FAA approval may also be required. If aerobatics are involved, FAA Form 7711-2: Certificate of Waiver or Authorization Application is required.

ACRP Synthesis 41: Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports
Consolidates available information and lessons learned on how to successfully plan, organize, and conduct an aeronautical special event and restore normal operations after the event.

ACRP Synthesis 57: Airport Response to Special Events
Explores how airports plan, manage, and recover from special events in order to help minimize the event’s effects on an airport’s regular operations. The synthesis explores issues related to planning, organizing, and applying lessons learned, as well as addressing potential surprises and impacts on operations and customer services related to a variety of nonaeronautical events that occur both on and off an airport. ACRP Synthesis 57 offers six case examples designed to help demonstrate how airports of all sizes plan, manage, and recover from special events.

ACRP Webinar on Special Events Planning
Explores practical guidance and best practices on planning and conducting special events at general aviation facilities. Airports and entities conducting aeronautical special events (e.g., air shows) or nonaeronautical events (e.g., Presidential/dignitary visits) often find that holding a successful event involves a significant number of stakeholders and requires months of planning, complex decision making, and financial investment.

FAA Airport Compliance and Nonaeronautical Events
Provides a list of special event considerations from the FAA Southern Region newsletter.

FAA Flight Standards Information Management System
Provides the process for obtaining an FAA issuance of a waiver or authorization for an aviation event.

International Council of Air Shows
Provides information on air shows.

Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics Non-aeronautical Events: An Airport Owner and Management Reference Document
Provides a special events guidebook and checklist.