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5.12 Land Release/Concurrent Use

When airport property is leased or sold for nonaeronautical use, FAA approval is required, regardless of how the land was acquired. Concurrent use or interim use of airport property for nonaeronautical purposes also requires FAA approval, through a less extensive process.

FAA Order 5190.6: Airport Compliance Manual
Provides basic guidance for FAA personnel in interpreting and administering the various continuing commitments airport owners make to the United States as a condition for the grant of federal funds or the conveyance of federal property for airport purposes. The order discusses the obligations set forth in the standard airport sponsor assurances, addresses the application of the assurances in the operation of public-use airports, and facilitates interpretation of the assurances by FAA personnel.

FAA Hangar Use Policy at Obligated Airports
Provides frequently asked questions and answers regarding the FAA policy on the storage of nonaeronautical items in airport facilities designated for aeronautical use.

FAA Airport Land  Acquisition: Release of Airport Property
Provides guidance on the release of airport property (land release) process.