
Part 2 Check-Out

This check-out has three parts:

1. What Have You Learned?

First, select the option below that corresponds to your perspective in your organization, and take a moment to think on the questions presented.

Click this icon for information specific to the executive leader Click here for information relevant to the Business Function Leader Click here for information relevant to the Manager Click here for information relevant to the individual

Continue to document your answers in your Companion Worksheet (links below, if you do not already have a copy).

Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the executive leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the business function leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the manager Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the individual

2. Build Your Personalized Playbook

Second, download this Playbook Worksheet to build a personalized playbook toward developing a culture of innovation in your organization or team. A playbook is typically used by a sports team to simulate plays over and over on a whiteboard or another blank space. For your cultural improvements, this playbook will help you plan and track your progress, as well as give you a starting tool to present to leaders or peers at your airport.


To populate the playbook, first take another look at the cultivation cycle in Chapter 4 and the play options presented in Chapter 5 under each of the five organizational elements. Which of these can you start now? Tailor these options to your unique operating environment, then share them with your team to get their feedback.


3. Formalize Your Culture of Innovation Program

Third, with your formalized team and personalized playbook in place, you now have the foundation of a culture of innovation program. You might think, “I already have an innovation program; do I really need this?” But remember the difference between a culture of innovation and “doing innovation.” Does your program focus mostly or entirely on bearing “fruit”? If so, it may not yet be equipped to improve the “soil” or culture of your organization. In this case, you do need this specific cultural element.

How this plays out is up to you. You might add it to your existing program; you may decide to keep this a distinct yet interactive program. Regardless, it is highly recommended that you formalize a specific initiative to drive the cultural improvements.


Continue to Part 3: Sustain to connect the pieces of your new program.