
Part 3 Check-Out

Congratulations! You have made it through the WebResource. Before you move forward, consider pausing to reflect on the variety of concepts that have been shared. Select the option below that corresponds to your perspective in your organization, and take a moment to think about the questions presented.

Click this icon for information specific to the executive leader Click here for information relevant to the Business Function Leader Click here for information relevant to the Manager Click here for information relevant to the individual

Continue to document your answers in your Companion Worksheet (links below, if you do not already have a copy).

Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the executive leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the business function leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the manager Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the individual

These check-out questions prompt you to consider the team that will keep your organization accountable, the plays you can consider deploying, and the processes and tools to help you sustain progress. The following figure, presented in Part 2, summarizes these items that will constitute your culture of innovation program.

Culture of Innovation Program

If you have an existing innovation program, you might choose to add these cultural improvements as a responsibility under its purview. However, since your existing program is likely focused on innovation projects, rather than the cultural elements, it may be wise to establish a separate yet integrated “culture of innovation program“ to drive and manage the cultural improvements.

Be sure to continually review, assess, and improve your program by revisiting the plays and sustainability options noted in Parts 2 and 3 of this WebResource. You may find some of this content more applicable in the future, once you have made some progress.

And finally, share this WebResource with your colleagues! They may home in on different things than you. This can be a great opportunity to come together, share ideas, and be the spark to help your team, business function, or organization move one step closer to a culture of innovation.