
Part 1: Understand

This part of the tool paints a picture of what a culture of innovation could look like by answering these questions:

  1. What is an organization's culture?
  2. What influences and develops culture?
  3. What exactly is innovation?
  4. What does a culture look like when it focuses on being innovative?
  5. Why does an innovative culture matter?

This section wraps up with a discussion about the people in an organization and how they can impact the degree to which a culture can become innovative.

Part 1 Check-In

As you prepare to jump in, select the option below that corresponds to your perspective in your organization and take a moment to think about the questions presented.

Click this icon for information specific to the executive leader Click here for information relevant to the Business Function Leader Click here for information relevant to the Manager Click here for information relevant to the individual

To get the full value, document your answers in your Companion Worksheet (links below). This will give you something to look back on as you progress through the WebResource.

Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the executive leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the business function leader Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the manager Click here to download the companion worksheet (Word document) for the individual