Staff Assignment and Hiring (43)


When implementing the organizational design (see Develop Initial Organizational Design building block), it is vital to get people in the right positions. This process can include internal reassignments, external hires, or consulting support.


Assign names to all roles in the Day One organizational design. Nominated employees should possess the skills needed for their assigned roles. Employees assigned to leadership roles must have experience in leadership in the agency to succeed in such an environment.

Primary Use:

Implement the organizational design that has already been planned by assigning individuals to roles.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Scale the organization to the system size. If the RUC program starts small, the organization can start small too.
  • One dedicated staff person, with consultant support, can start a very small program, but any use of consultants should account for the need to grow institutional knowledge in the agency itself.
  • Use a “Train the Trainer” system to maximize efficiency in scaling training needs. “Train the Trainer” systems use subject matter experts to simultaneously train individuals for technical tasks and for how to train others in the same skills.
  • Consider hiring times and procedures when hiring new staff.
  • Ensure that policies are in place to grow and transfer institutional knowledge. A staff member’s departure should not be allowed to hinder policy support or knowledge transfer.
  • Employees may fulfill multiple roles, potentially combining a non-RUC role and a RUC role.
  • No specific background in RUC is required. Working in RUC generally requires numerical ability (such as from engineering, science, or business education) and some appreciation of policy and governmental processes.
  • Exposure to RUC in pilots helps prepare employees for work in RUC operations.
  • The RUC communications position is important and should be staffed appropriately. In many cases, agency communications staff can perform this function.
  • Ideally, RUC program leadership will remain in position for several years.
  • The RUC program staff needs to be flexible and creative to support the implementation of an evolving policy.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

This task is done by the lead RUC agency, as specified in law. It is done while the system is being set up and can be revisited as often as needed.