Program Evaluation Reporting (34)


After a RUC program goes live, program evaluation reporting allows the implementing RUC agency to use metrics to provide programmatic oversight. Program evaluation reporting includes the design of all evaluation reporting and the presentation of the evaluation metrics. This process involves designing a periodic (e.g., monthly) dashboard that displays all evaluation metrics and developing an annual program report.


Display program evaluation metrics on the dashboard in an easy-to-navigate layout. This can be done by using custom built-in software or by leveraging commercially available display tools like Google Data Studio. Show metrics for at least the 12 previous months. As the program ages, study annual as well as periodic trends. When dashboards display dramatic trends or percentage changes that are significantly higher or lower than expected, investigate the reasons for those changes.

Primary Use:

Visually display evaluation metrics in a manner that provides easy program oversight.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Track all metrics, even minor ones, and display values for at least 12 months.
  • Review and update the dashboard regularly, especially at the beginning of the RUC program, to make the metrics as useful as possible to program leadership.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

The implementing RUC agency does this task. The initial display of metrics begins when the program goes live (or whenever the first data reporting period will end). The dashboard display will evolve and should be improved regularly.