Determine Vision and Policy Objectives for RUC (1)


Determining the vision and policy objectives for road usage charge (RUC) is the first task in a RUC effort. It is the fundamental motivation for considering RUC. This task involves determining, at the highest level, the long-term overarching goal of the RUC effort—the vision—and the highest-level supporting policy objectives to achieve that vision. The vision might be to create a sustainable funding mechanism in the age of alternative fuel vehicles. Supporting objectives might include creating this mechanism in a cost-effective way that treats all groups equitably. The vision and objectives can be revisited occasionally to ensure alignment with current RUC thinking. The lead RUC agency to date has commonly been part of a state government but may also include other governmental agencies, such as metropolitan planning organizations. Strong legislative champions are the most effective at advocating for RUC and driving policy forward; also helpful is an informed agency champion with a legislative policy background that can bring continuity from year to year.


The agency’s best understanding of the area’s long-term needs fulfilled by RUC can guide this task. Decision-makers should choose the most important need—the highest long-term priority—and craft that into the vision. The lesser needs will become objectives. Policy objectives should remain high-level.

Primary Use:

Guide all other program activities.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Realize an overarching vision for RUC and include three to five main objectives; too many objectives can cloud the process.
  • Inform those working on the project—including staff, leadership, and any task forces—of policy objectives and vision, and get feedback on objectives.
  • Be as bold as feasible to begin with, but understand that compromise may be necessary, particularly when there are competing interests or constraints.
  • Write the vision and objectives down, share them with everyone working on the project, and save them in an easily accessible, central location.
  • Revisit vision and policy objectives regularly to help maintain a focus on them throughout the RUC program or project.
  • The vision can change or be refined, and leadership or circumstances may change. If the overall vision changes, take the time to capture and share the changes.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

An initial RUC champion—who may be a legislator, an agency employee, or a representative from a regional or multi-state organization—typically drives this task, preferably with the involvement of key decision-makers. The vision and objectives may be revisited from time to time as the vision for RUC changes or broadens. It is important that the vision and policy objectives be communicated to multiple agencies if passenger vehicles and commercial motor carriers are licensed and registered by different agencies.