Ongoing General Collaboration (70)


To identify opportunities for improvement and growth, maintain ongoing general collaboration with other states beyond direct work on interoperability. This includes sharing best practices for RUC implementation transitioning and growing a RUC program. This also includes working with other states on enforcement measures.


States can exchange lessons learned at existing conferences or organizational meetings. In addition, states may wish to set up new venues for bilateral or multilateral idea exchange.

Primary Uses:

Share lessons learned and develop interstate enforcement processes.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Seek out other states with similar systems and needs for useful lessons learned; explore potential cost-sharing opportunities.
  • Maintain personal relationships among RUC leaders and experts to support general collaboration.
  • It may be useful to meet with other states both inside and outside the context of membership organizations. Organizations are helpful but can have drawbacks. For example, there may be membership limitations, and some members may have more power when working within an organization than they would outside of it.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

This task is performed by the implementing RUC agency as an ongoing process that takes new urgency when a state plans to grow the RUC program.