Implement Innovation (68)


When relevant innovation in technology or policy is discovered, it should be thoroughly explored; and if found to be useful, technically feasible, and cost-effective, it should be implemented. This building block includes the implementation of innovation through law, policy, operations, or technology.


Innovations may be implemented after they have been explored and proven feasible and desirable, and if there is a clear indication that life-cycle benefits of the innovation exceed life-cycle costs. Life-cycle costs include the costs of efforts to implement the changes (e.g., change policy and technology) as well as the costs of operating the innovation. For innovations found to have net benefits, any changes needed for law, policy, operations, or technology to implement the innovation should be undertaken.

Primary Use:

Improve the RUC program.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Political capital is always scarce. If legislation needs to be changed, consider the changes very carefully, work with champions, and plan as far in advance as possible.
  • If vendors are involved, changes to contracts may be necessary. Work with vendors to determine change orders, or wait until procurement to implement the innovation.
  • Consider all life-cycle costs and benefits. Costs include direct costs, such as vendor changes, and indirect costs, such as increased workload for state agencies. Benefits include direct benefits, such as additional features or better compliance, and indirect benefits, such as decreased workload for state agencies.
  • Follow other building blocks, such as the System Design Documents building block, as needed.
  • Any system changes visible to the public require communications to the public about the changes. The manner and delivery of communications should be considered in any innovation rollout.
  • Medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are different from passenger vehicles, and innovations for such vehicles may need to be rolled out differently from passenger vehicles.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

This task is performed by the lead RUC agency.