Live Customer Service (48)


This building block entails providing live customer service at the state and vendor levels (if both exist) and coordinating with both parties if there is more than one customer service location.


Perform customer service as designed using phone, email, or other interfaces. Ensure all RUC customer service offices, including state and vendor offices, are coordinated. This means all parties should be aware of system issues and be able to report them. Update customer service content (e.g., frequently asked questions [FAQs] and other information) and maintain physical systems that support customer service (e.g., telephone and information technology systems).

Primary Use:

Provide customer service.

Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

  • Empower customer service representatives to answer questions and resolve issues that may not be directly covered in the FAQs, possibly by escalating the issue to a manager.
  • Ensure continuous improvement of FAQs.
  • Respond to any continued significant changes to customer service metrics.
  • Ensure different customer service representatives can hand customers off to one another and keep one another informed about issues.
  • Ensure customer service representatives are informed of any major system policy or technology updates, including rate updates.

State Government Context and Assumptions:

This task is carried out by the implementing RUC agency in coordination with any vendors.