Air Mobility Command: Passenger Terminal Facility Design Guide

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The mission of an Air Mobility Command (AMC) Passenger Terminal is to provide an interface between ground and air transportation. The terminals are also the arrival and departure points for each base and create a first and last impression of that location to military and civilian passengers. They must provide a safe, efficient, comfortable, and familiar transfer of passengers and their baggage to and from aircraft and various modes of ground transportation. To accomplish this, basic service functions are required, as well as optional services that will aid the traveler. Terminal space requirements will vary by terminal category based on passenger load and base mission. The goal of this guide is to assist in planning, programming, designing, and executing projects for Passenger Terminals with higher overall quality, lower life-cycle costs, and increased sustainability.

This design guide provides the basic criteria to organize, evaluate, plan, program, and design AMC Passenger Terminals for the renovation of existing terminals and the design of new facilities. This information provides commanders and their staff important design considerations and aids them in validating project development. The Guide should not be considered a substitute for proper programming. It is intended for the base civil engineer, terminal managers, review personnel, design architects, engineers, and other personnel associated with the terminal. The design guide will help all participants to better understand AMC Passenger Terminal requirements and their specific design criteria so as to more effectively participate in the project development process.


Air Mobility Command


Air Mobility Command


Air Mobility Command


Passenger Terminal Facility Design Guide. (2011). Air Mobility Command.





Other Document

Language (ISO)


Subject (LLC)