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ACRP WebResource 12 provides options. As with a traditional ACRP report, you can move stepwise through the material, from background information on air service and regional economic activity to suggestions for improving your communications with regional audiences. You can also skip around topics. You can read case studies to see how air service and economic activity are related in different regions.

Understanding Air Service and Regional Economic Activity
This section outlines the fundamentals: airport catchment areas and comparisons to standard statistical areas, basic metrics of air service and economic activity (and sources of those data), and ways to understand the economic strength of the region served by the airport. This section provides an overview of how air service contributes to a region’s quality of life. It explains how commercial air service contributes to regional economic activity—how different industry sectors rely on aviation as part of their operations.

Communicating the Airport’s Contributions to the Regional Economy
This section addresses issues such as the organizations that represent businesses and economic development interests and how their goals and measures of effectiveness complement but do not necessarily coincide with airports’ goals and performance metrics. How can airports bridge that gap?
The technical report describes in detail the analyses of changes in air service and economic activity that produced the research team’s categorization of airports and economies, along with the rationales for excluding some airports.