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Transformation Tiers

ACRP Periodic Report on Transformative Technologies at Airports
- May 7, 2021

Transformation Tiers Defined

For each technology deemed “transformative,” this Publication further breaks down its level of transformation to airports into the following three Transformation Tiers:

  • Basic Transformation
  • Intermediate Transformation
  • Advanced Transformation

Basic Transformation: This Transformation Tier includes technologies that airport operators have researched and for which they have some understanding of how the deployment of these technologies will impact their organizations. Airport operators have not experienced widespread deployment of these technologies; however, they have been able to gather valuable real-world data on them and how they will impact their organizations. Airport operators may have even begun preparations to account for these technologies.

Intermediate Transformation: This Transformation Tier includes technologies that bring more disruptive impacts to airport operations. While airports may not be able to lean heavily on previous airport implementation of the technology, they may have some knowledge of or plan for how the technology may impact them. Though much can change from conceptualization of a technology to deployment, having a plan can go a long way. Airport operators can have a sense of where a technology in this Transformation Tier will impact their organizations most, and they can begin to allocate resources as needed.

Advanced Transformation: This Transformation Tier includes technologies for which airport organizations have little to no prior deployment experience and knowledge on how to properly implement or account for the technology. The technologies in this Transformation Tier are the most potentially revolutionizing operations since airport operators will have very little experience in or preparation for dealing with them.

Transformation Tier Ranking

To determine how the technologies fit into each Transformation Tier, this Publication considers the following factors: airport impact, airport knowledge, and airport deployment.

Airport Impact: Will this technology likely have a sizable impact on airport operations, stakeholders, or business? While numerous technologies are in development, even within the aviation industry, the Transformation Tiers only include technologies that have a notable impact on the airport environment.

Airport Knowledge: Do airport operators understand the potential uses for these technologies and the impact they may bring to the airport environment? The unique scenarios and considerations presented within an airport can alter the ways in which technologies can be used. It may take airport operators some time to better understand how these technologies can be deployed and used effectively, or how the deployments of others may have an effect on their business.

Airport Deployment: Have airport operators gained experience with the technology through real-world pilots or deployments? Many of the unique issues that airport operators must account for are not discovered until they have been experienced in an operational environment. The lessons learned from one deployment are used to refine aspects of later deployments, improving the effectiveness of technology solutions.

Based on these factors, the following graphic shows how the technologies line up within the Transformation Tiers.

Important to note is that this categorization takes into account the transformation of both airport-controlled technology deployments and non-airport-controlled technology use.

An airport-controlled technology deployment is an initiative in which the airport directs the objective, strategy, procurement, deployment, and operation. This control allows airport organizations to determine when, where, and how specific technologies are used within the organization. While this can put some pressure on airport operators to properly deploy and manage these technologies, airport operators will decide when an organization incorporates a new technology. Examples include the installations of Internet-of-things devices or the deployment of robotics technologies for which the operator controls the deployment, use, and type of technology installed.

Conversely, non-airport-controlled technology use describes situations in which airport operators are not initiating or driving deployment or management of a given technology. An example from the list above is that of future transportation technologies such as vertical takeoff and landing vehicles and autonomous vehicles. While airport operators may not initially decide the parameters around the deployment and management of these technologies, these technologies may still heavily impact areas of an airport’s operations. This is an important reason why airport operators must continue to monitor these technologies, as they need to understand the potential ramifications of their growing use outside of the airport. Airport operators may also need to explore internal projects to best account for these new technologies.

Another way to put this is by asking two basic questions: “How can my airport use this technology?” and “How could this technology affect my business, even if my airport doesn’t wish to use it for our own benefit?” Through a series of Technology Focus Articles, this Publication provides answers to both of these questions, addressing the airport uses cases (i.e., airport-controlled technology deployments) and business effect (of non-airport-controlled technology use).

For more information about each of these transformative technologies and how they may impact your airport, see their corresponding series of articles in the Technology Focus Articles.

The Executive Technology Summary is a series of articles that provides an executive-level view of what transformative technologies airports should expect to come their way.
  1. Defining Transformative
  2. Transformation Tiers
  3. Notable Findings
  4. Technology Adoption Curve
  5. Technology by Airport Type
  6. Honorable Mention Technology
  7. Featured Impact
  8. What's Next?