AP-42: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources


Emission factors and emission inventories have long been fundamental tools for air quality management. Emission estimates are important for developing emission control strategies, determining applicability of permitting and control programs, ascertaining the effects of sources and appropriate mitigation strategies, and a number of other related applications by an array of users, including federal, state, and local agencies, consultants, and industry. Data from source-specific emission tests or continuous emission monitors are usually preferred for estimating a source’s emissions because those data provide the best representation of the tested source’s emissions. However, test data from individual sources are not always available and, even when they are available, they may not reflect the variability of actual emissions over time. Thus, emission factors are frequently the best or only method available for estimating emissions, in spite of their limitations.

Publication Date

January 1995


Environmental Protection Agency



