Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Training for Airport Employees Wildlife Habitat Management and Control for Part 139 Airports Training Quiz Your Name: First Last What does the Wildlife Hazard Management training mean to your airport?1. The number of reported wildlife strikes has increased over the last three decades because large-bird populations have increased in North America, wildlife have adapted to urban areas, aircraft are faster and quieter, and people are more aware of the need for and value of strike data. True False 2. Wildlife Hazard Site Visits, Wildlife Hazard Assessments, and Wildlife Hazard Management Plans are important to overall wildlife hazard management at airports. True False 3. Which of these are triggering events for an airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plan? An air carrier aircraft experiences multiple wildlife strikes An air carrier aircraft experiences substantial damage from striking wildlife An air carrier aircraft experiences an engine ingestion of wildlife Wildlife of a size, or in numbers, capable of causing any of the events above are observed to have access to any airport flight pattern or aircraft movement area All of the above 4. Which of these are common wildlife attractants around airports? (select all that apply) Solid waste landfills Agricultural fields Golf courses Parking areas 5. Habitat management is a technique for managing humans. True False 6. Part 139 wildlife regulations require that each certificate holder shall take immediate action to alleviate wildlife hazards whenever they are detected. True False 7. Under Part 139 wildlife regulations, the FAA is not concerned about wildlife hazard triggering events. True False NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.