ACRP WebResource 21

PUBLISHED DATE - January 7, 2025

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ACRP WebResource 21: Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Training for Airport Employees offers environmental and sustainability training tailored to the specific needs of airport employees and their stakeholders. Navigating the realm of environmental stewardship and compliance requirements can be complicated for both airport operators and their workforce. Irrespective of an airport’s size, there is a diverse range of environmental challenges, some of which necessitate permits—thus placing the onus on airport personnel to comprehend compliance intricacies. Even in the case of larger airports equipped with dedicated environmental staff, there remains a crucial demand for training non-environmental personnel and equipping them with the knowledge they need to contribute effectively.

After a survey of airports, ranging in size from small to large, eight environmental topics stood out as needing specific training for airport employees: resiliency, sustainability, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), air quality, hazardous materials, noise, water quality, and wildlife. This is not an exhaustive list, but it offers a solid foundation for airport employees.

ACRP WebResource 21 comprises nine distinct environmental modules, custom-designed for airport staff and stakeholders. Additionally, a high-level “Environmental 101” module was created for airport leadership. Each module contains a comprehensive overview of the pertinent environmental regulations applicable to airport operations. What sets these modules apart is their flexibility—they can be delivered by a knowledgeable facilitator or pursued independently via self-paced training.