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Project Information

Over the years, numerous airports have been built near rivers and other bodies of water, resulting in potential impacts to water quality. These impacts primarily stem from construction, seasonal anti-icing or deicing procedures, and ongoing operations and maintenance. This training program is designed to enhance airport employees’ knowledge regarding their daily responsibilities related to the water quality obligations of airports.

Constructing airport facilities has the potential to impact surface water, groundwater, and drinking water supplies, either temporarily or permanently. Therefore, when an airport sponsor seeks the FAA’s assistance for an airport development project, the agency must assess the potential water quality consequences of the proposed project. This assessment includes identifying the various water quality permits, certifications, and approvals that might be necessary for the construction and operation of airport projects.

The FAA official in charge of this responsibility must ensure that the environmental document’s water quality chapter transparently discloses any known challenges associated with obtaining these permits and approvals.

Water Quality training is recommended for the following airport roles: