Active Waiting: Potentials of Waiting Area at Airport

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For travellers in the airport, waiting is often seen as an unpleasant activity. One reason for this perception is that the waiting area is viewed as uncomfortable. Bissel explains that the experience of waiting is often conceptualised as a stasis period that forces the passenger to be passive. With this understanding, Schweizer and Gasparini try to dissect the potential of a waiting space by using the active waiting concept as a lens for analysing the space. According to this concept, active waiting is where waiting is seen as an activity that has a balanced focus between achieving what is expected and being comfortable during the process. This paper argues that by incorporating this concept into a waiting space, passengers will experience both a passenger system and a new occasional experience. This paper will observe and analyse the relationship between spatial elements and the behaviour of passengers at a waiting area within an airport terminal, through the lens of the active waiting concept. The experience of waiting can be achieved through three stages of habitation, which are lingering, tarrying, and the state of dwelling. The expected result from this study is to discover the potentials of a waiting area at an airport. Findings from this paper may be useful for planning the airport waiting area in order to create a more comfortable experience for the body and state of mind of the passengers.


Institute of Physics Publishing


M. T. T. Pasaribu, et al.



Pasaribu, M. T. T., Arvanda, E., and Kusuma, N. R. 2019. Active waiting: potentials of waiting area at airport. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 523(1). doi:10.1088/1757-899x/523/1/012058


ISSN 17578981




Journal Article

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