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Overcoming Strategy & Policy Barriers

When values like pride and perfection appear in strategy and policy, they oppose the values that support innovation, making it very challenging for new and creative ways of thinking to gain traction at an airport. The following strategy and policy barriers can impact a culture of innovation's development.

Barrier: Lack a Clear Strategic Plan

An airport might be plagued with competing or shifting priorities that make it hard to stick to a vision. Maybe an airport lacks a mission detailing specific objectives. Or an airport may have a written strategic plan that was not effectively communicated or clarified with staff to help them prioritize their goals. Without this clarity, the airport culture cannot unify, and innovation will be much harder to reach. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier.

Barrier: Values Do Not Support Innovation

If an airport values precision at all costs, or if fear and intimidation are tactics used to prevent people from coloring outside the lines, then a culture of innovation stands little chance. Change will need to start at the top of the organization to overcome this. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier.

Barrier: Focused on the Short Term

When airport strategies are focused on short-term, concrete goals, like implementing a new type of automated technology or creating a new airport app, it can be challenging to champion long-term commitments, such as developing and sustaining a culture of innovation. It can also leave the airport unprepared for trends that may significantly impact an airport's bottom line in the future. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier.

Barrier: Rigid HR Hiring Procedures

Airports can often be at the mercy of governing agencies when hiring new personnel, especially if the airport functions as a department of a local government entity. This means airport leaders may not be able to edit job postings to include values such as innovation or diversity as evaluation factors without having to go through additional channels. Consequently, motivated people may not consider airport employment if all they see is standard language on recruitment sites. Below are resources for both leaders and staff to help overcome this barrier.

  • Play 15: Drive Innovation into HR Policies and Practices
  • Supplemental Resources
    • Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath (book)
    • Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Chris Fussell (contributor), Tantum Collins (contributor), and David Silverman (contributor) (book)
Barrier: HR Policies Reward Outcomes, Not Process

When staff know that they can receive career-enhancing recognition for finishing a pet project or receive a bonus for creating something new, unhealthy competition among staff members can begin to develop. This type of competition may encourage self-interest over airport goals or passenger interests. This type of reward system also misses a huge opportunity to see the value in the creative process itself that can lead to bigger successes down the line. Below are resources for both leaders and staff to help overcome this barrier.