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Overcoming Leadership Barriers

Research shows that leaders at the highest levels have the greatest influence over whether an organization values innovation. When leaders inhibit or prevent values that support innovative thought from taking root, innovation stops before it even has a chance to start. Below are a few leadership barriers that can impact a culture of innovation's development, as well as plays that can help overcome these barriers.

Barrier: Not Attuned to Innovation

Airport leaders face many competing issues and priorities, and innovation may not fit into the jam-packed days of airport executives. Busyness can often deplete leaders of the focus and energy needed to start a new change initiative, or it may prevent them from seeing the value of innovation. In such cases, innovation does not have a chance to enter the culture. Below are links to plays and resources to help overcome this barrier:

Barrier: Micromanagement

Airport leaders are under constant pressure to keep airports safe, secure, and operating smoothly with fewer staff than ever before. These types of risks can sometimes lead managers to micromanage employees to reduce the probability of error. Over time, this may lead staff to become fearful of making mistakes and more focused on people-pleasing than meeting organizational goals and objectives. Or staff might just burn out. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier:

Barrier: Stick to the Status Quo

Airport leaders can find comfort and tend to feel more in control when they follow tried-and-true methods. They may not always see the value in trying new approaches, especially when things seem to work well already. This can create a stagnant environment that can be less than inspiring for staff. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier:

Barrier: Lack Funding

The word “innovation” has somehow developed a reputation for coming with an expensive price tag. The term can signal to some that it needs to be another full-blown “program” with a full-time director and a state-of-the-art lab. When leaders develop this mindset around innovation, the idea of a culture of innovation can get shut down as a potential option before serious discussions can even happen. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier:

Barrier: Putting the Employee First

Valuing individual success over collective success can focus leaders and staff on short-sighted goals that have very limited results. This line of thinking can contribute to a “not my job” attitude and often puts personal needs and career advancement above those of the organization. Innovation cannot get a foothold when this happens. Below are resources to help overcome this barrier: