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Nurturing Each Organizational Element

As you build your culture of innovation program by tapping into the five organizational elements that affect culture, you will need to nurture each element to uncover barriers and overcome the challenges to progress. Beyond maintaining each play, this effort involves paying specific and careful attention to each element as a whole. Figure D7.1 summarizes how barriers in each area can affect innovation.


Figure D7.1: How Barriers Affect Innovation.

For example, you may have some staff members who recently experienced a ”failed” initiative, and discouragement is setting in. As a leader or fellow team member, you can take initiative to aid them in overcoming this temporary setback. This can help ensure that these issues do not derail the program and staff continue to display the positive personas identified in Chapter 2.

While Chapter 4 summarizes several of the typical barriers to get you thinking about which plays you will try first, Chapter 7 provides a deeper discussion around each of these challenge areas. This chapter identifies several plays you may want to revisit and supplemental resources you can consider.