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The Need for Maintenance

As you emerge from Part 2, you may have just completed a first pass of your Playbook Worksheet; you might be taking the first step toward developing your playbook as part of your culture of innovation; or you might still be thinking about how to form a team and tailor some of the plays to get your airport moving forward. Wherever you find yourself at this point, consider how to maintain your plays so that you and your team are positioned for success today and well into the future.

In sports, plays are only effective for teams when they are practiced, and plays need to be reviewed often to ensure they are fulfilling their purpose. This review process helps establish the expectations of each team member for the play. This work is necessary to preserve the overall culture of innovation and prevent it from failure or decline. There must be a proactive process in place to conduct regularly scheduled checkups on various aspects of each play and continually evaluate how each play contributes to the program.

Be careful not to think of this process as a formal audit; rather, consider it more like a routine inspection in which each key play needs an informal review of its current level of performance against expectations. This means looking for potential points of failure that might be preventing the plays from being fully implemented. The objective is to find minor gaps in the program and make improvements before they become significant.

For more on how to maintain your plays, proceed to the next page.