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Play 19: Create a Collaborative Work Environment (Organizational)

Innovative leaders realize that team members may not be trained or possess the knowledge to successfully collaborate in a new, innovative work environment. This can be especially challenging when there are a diverse set of generational perspectives in an organization. Innovative leaders know they may need to manage anywhere from four to five different and unique generations, all working side by side.

Innovative leaders

  • Can't address what they don't know. Count how many different generations are represented in your airport's workforce. Think about the ways each generation has been shaped by the commonality of their respective experiences; available technology (or lack thereof); societal expectations and ambitions; and the influence of other generations, through either a parenting role or a manager-employee relationship. Each generation brings their own set of values, expected behaviors, and ambitions that, when combined, provides the underpinning for the organizational culture, the ultimate bond between culture and innovation. Find ways for the different generations to learn about one another and appreciate the differences they bring to this new culture of innovation. Do things like book training sessions, whether in person or via Zoom, to help your organization embrace the diversity of generations in their workplace.
  • Offer teaming and partnership opportunities. Think outside the airport. Remember that collaboration does not need to be confined within the organization; other key airport partners play vital roles in meeting the needs of the airport's customers. Airlines, concessionaires, rental car agencies, TSA, CBP, and baggage screening contractors, to name a few, all contribute alongside the airport organization's employees to provide a positive experience for the customer. Establish partnering opportunities with key airport stakeholders to practice collaboration skills. Start with small initiatives and, ultimately, grow to address innovation opportunities that do not just meet customers' expectations but dazzle them.

Airports often collaborate with TSA on pilot programs that focus on improving the passenger experience. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and TSA recently collaborated on a pilot program that will allow passengers to preschedule a 15-minute window during which they will go through the security screening checkpoint. The program, called ”The Fast Lane Program,” was designed to help passengers control their journey through their own devices and, hopefully, alleviate stresses of the screening process, particularly during busy times.