![PathNew-08 You are in chapter 5, within Part 2: Develop](https://crp.trb.org/acrpwebresource16/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2024/03/PathNew-08.jpg)
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Process & Procedure: Developing Processes & Procedures to Infuse Innovation
An organization’s processes and procedures can either provide a way for business functions across an organization to innovate regularly, or they can actually prevent it. Processes, usually in the form of policies, communicate the connection between an organization’s vision and values and translate them into day-to-day operational tasks. Procedures explain the action plan for carrying out a process.
Innovative leaders look for ways to help staff live out innovation in their daily tasks. They establish processes (from overarching policies) and procedures to make innovation integral to everything everyone does. They also make innovation a motivating factor to keep employees interested in continuous improvement. Staff who seek a culture of innovation can consider “how they do their work” and engage their team members in robust dialogues about process improvements in key areas of the airport business.
Both staff and leaders who spend time learning how their work impacts other business functions can broaden perspectives about 1) processes and procedures in their own areas and 2) how to make tangible changes for the betterment of the entire organization.
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