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Play 17: Effectively Roll Out Structural Changes (Organizational)

Whether your airport decides to restructure or realign some organizational elements, effective training can be a good way to prime an organization for change or roll out new structural plans and pave the way for these transitions.

Innovative leaders

  • Provide training ideas and tools. Use a variety of training opportunities to assist the organization with managing the secondary changes caused by rolling out alterations to the organizational structure. Include effective communication messages to alleviate any fear employees may have about the changes. Use training in tandem with the cultivation cycle to make people aware of and excited about the changes that are occurring. These two efforts can be used together to help an organization make anticipating and embracing change a habit. Two good training techniques include agility training and change management initiatives, both of which provide practical ways to effectively execute change initiatives while focusing on supporting people through change.
  • Paint the vision. Seek opportunities to paint a picture of the future of the organization when rolling out new organizational changes. When employees can clearly see the future vision for their organization, they become less fearful. Spend time outlining details of this plan so each person can see themselves in this picture of the future. When aligned with other plays that focus on building trust, this will help with the successful rollout of changes to the organization.