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Identifying Barriers to a Culture of Innovation

If you have done any of the steps noted in the “cultivation cycle” for any length of time, you have definitely come across challenges and barriers. Table D4.1 aligns several common barriers to the 25 plays as options you can select to start developing a culture of innovation (see Chapter 5 for more detail about these plays). These barriers and plays are further categorized under the five organizational elements that can affect culture.

Table D4.1: Common Barriers and Plays to Solve Them.


Leader-Related Barriers Leader-Related Plays
Not attuned to innovation Play 1: Prioritize Innovation
Micromanagement Play 2: Empower Staff
Sticking to the status quo Play 3: Drive Change
Lack funding Play 4: Seek Affordable Solutions
Putting the employee first Play 5: Put the Customer First



Staff-Related Barriers Staff-Related Plays
Fear of failure Play 6: Develop an Innovation Mindset
Fear of retribution Play 7: Create a Safe Environment
Office politics Play 8: Support Open Dialogue
Resisting change Play 9: Focus on Behaviors that Support Change
Not communicating Play 10: Improve Communications



Strategy and Policy-Related Barriers Strategy and Policy-Related Plays
Lack a clear strategic plan Play 11: Develop a Unifying Strategic Plan 
Values do not support innovation Play 12: Align with Organizational Values that Support Innovation
Focused on the short term Play 13: Focus on the Long Term 
Lack of unique & fresh ideas Play 14: Prioritize an Exceptional, Comprehensive Team 
Rigid HR hiring procedures

HR policies reward outcomes, not process

Play 15: Drive Innovation into HR Policies and Practices



Organizational Structure-Related Barriers Organizational Structure-Related Plays
Bureaucracy Play 16: Aligning Organizational Structure to Support Innovation 
Isolating innovation Play 17: Effectively Roll Out Structural Changes 
Inconsistent innovation acceptance Play 18: Develop Strategies by Business Function to Overcome Resistance to Change
Not collaborating (low risk-tolerance) Play 19: Create a Collaborative Work Environment
No budget for innovation Play 20: Emphasizing Organizational Budgets to Support Innovation



Process and Procedure-Related Barriers Process and Procedure-Related Plays
Lack of motivating goals Play 21: Discover What Motivates Employees
Lack of time Play 22: Structure Time for Speculation
Lack of training Play 23: Provide Innovation-Related Learning Experiences
Working in silos Play 24: Collaborate with Internal and External Partners
Lack of shared information Play 25: Focus on Learning by Transferring Knowledge

Do any of these strike a chord? If so, you now have a jump start into which plays in Chapter 5 you should consider first. If not, you can still use this handy matrix as a quick reference to align your plays in the future.