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Play 22: Structure Time for Speculation (Process & Procedure)

Think, think, think. Innovative leaders encourage staff to devote time to creative thinking and speculation; this time is considered valuable and is made a priority. Time should be dedicated specifically to speculation, not limited to an employee's leftover or free time. “Spec time” does not always mean reading, learning independently, or taking a walk to change things up-although these can be great spec time choices. When staff can leave their desk and move to a  space more conducive for discussing, brainstorming, or reflecting on ideas, inspiration happens. In innovative cultures, spec time is encouraged in all job functions, as innovation can come from anywhere in the organization.

One full-spectrum software supply chain-management platform designates “innovation days” every other week, allowing employees to explore, tinker, and create. In 2019, employees worked on 511 projects stemming from the program.1

Learn from others. Spec time can also be designated time for staff to interact with others within the airport organization's normal day-to-day routine. Dedicated spec time for debriefing with others after an event, program, or meeting is a great way for staff to discuss what worked and what did not, and to determine possible next steps. When there is time for all staff to reflect and contribute, it is time well spent.

1 Jay Woodruff, “Sonatype Ranks Sixth on Fast Company's Best Workplaces for Innovators,” Fast Company, July 29, 2020,