Volume 2 - Eminent Domain

Publishing Year: 2003

Eminent Domain contains a comprehensive discussion of issues likely to be encountered in eminent domain situations, including a section on special takings. This volume is organized into seven sections: Introduction to the Law of Eminent Domain; Impairment of Access and Just Compensation; Compensation for Noise, Flooding, Pollution, Erosion, or Loss of Visibility or View; Regulatory Takings and Related Issues and Defenses; Special Problems in Transportation, Land Acquisition, and Use; Valuation Problems in Transportation-Related Taking in Eminent Domain; and Trial Strategy and Techniques in Eminent Domain Cases.

The SSTL is published jointly by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). The PDF can be downloaded by clicking the following button. A breakdown of all the sections of the PDF is also listed below.
