TRB Volunteers and Staff


Carol P. Gould, Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver, CO (Chair)
Dortha Cummins, Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, Baton Rouge, LA
Darrin Thomas Grondel, Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, Hurricane, UT
Lora Hollingsworth, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, FL
Jessica M. Hutton, Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, MO
Pamela Langve-Davis, Montana Department of Transportation, Helena, MT
Chanyoung Lee, USF Center for Urban Transportation Research, Tampa, FL
Shannon C. Roberts, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA
Richard Y. Woo, Maryland State Highway Administration, Baltimore, MD
Mary T. Byrd, NHTSA Liaison


Christopher J. Hedges, Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Waseem Dekelbab, Deputy Director, Cooperative Research Programs
William C. Rogers, Senior Program Officer (retired)
Richard A. Retting, Senior Program Officer
Jarrel McAfee, Senior Program Assistant
Natalie Barnes, Director of Publications
Heather DiAngelis, Associate Director of Publications
Ellen M. Chafee, Senior Editor


Barbara L. Rooney
California Office of Traffic Safety

Lauren V. Stewart
Maine Bureau of Highway Safety

Michael Hanson
Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety

Amy Davey
Nevada Office of Traffic Safety

Mark Ezzell
North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program

* Membership as of November 2022.


Chair: Nathaniel P. Ford, Sr., Chief Executive Officer, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Jacksonville, FL
Vice Chair: Shawn Wilson, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Baton Rouge
Executive Director: Neil J. Pedersen, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC

Michael F. Ableson, CEO, Arrival Automotive–North America, Detroit, MI
James F. Albaugh, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Boeing Company (retired), Scottsdale, AZ
Douglas C. Ceva, Vice President, Customer Lead Solutions, Prologis, Inc., Jupiter, FL
Marie Therese Dominguez, Commissioner, New York State Department of Transportation, Albany
Ginger Evans, President, Tower Consulting, LLC, Arlington, VA
Michael F. Goodchild, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara
Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton
Stephen W. Hargarten, Director, Injury Research Center, Associate Dean, Office of Global Health,
Professor, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Chris T. Hendrickson, Hamerschlag University Professor of Engineering Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA
Randell Iwasaki, Leader of State and Local Transportation, Amazon Web Services, Walnut Creek, CA
Ashby Johnson, Executive Director, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Austin, TX
Joel M. Jundt, Secretary of Transportation, South Dakota Department of Transportation, Pierre
Drew Kodjak, Executive Director, International Council on Clean Transportation, Washington, DC
Carol A. Lewis, Professor, Transportation Studies, Texas Southern University, Houston
Julie Lorenz, Secretary, Kansas Department of Transportation, Topeka
Michael R. McClellan, Vice President, Strategic Planning, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Norfolk, VA
Patrick K. McKenna, Director, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City
Russell McMurry, Commissioner, Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta
Craig E. Philip, Research Professor and Director, VECTOR, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Steward T.A. Pickett, Distinguished Senior Scientist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
Leslie S. Richards, General Manager, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA),
James M. Tien, Distinguished Professor and Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering, University of Miami,
Coral Gables, FL

Michael R. Berube, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation, U.S. Department
of Energy, Washington, DC
Amit Bose, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC
Carlos M. Braceras, Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City
Tristan Brown, Deputy Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration,
U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
Ann Carlson, Acting Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, DC
Steven Cliff, Executive Officer, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA
Nuria I. Fernandez, Administrator, Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC
LeRoy Gishi, Chief, Division of Transportation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior,
Germantown, MD
William H. Graham, Jr. (Major General, U.S. Army), Deputy Commanding General for Civil and
Emergency Operations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC
John T. Gray II, Senior Vice President, Policy and Economics, Association of American Railroads,
Washington, DC
Robert C. Hampshire, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC
Robin Hutcheson, Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Washington, DC
Eleftheria Kontou, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, and Chair,
TRB Young Members Coordinating Council
Billy Nolen, Acting Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
Washington, DC
Stephanie Pollack, Acting Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC
Susan A. Shaheen, Professor and Co-Director, Transportation Sustainability Research Center, University of
California, Berkeley
Karl Simon, Director, Transportation and Climate Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, DC
Paul P. Skoutelas, President and CEO, American Public Transportation Association, Washington, DC
Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
Jim Tymon, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Washington, DC

* Membership as of November 2022.