Limited research exists on the specifics of work-related, employer-based traffic safety or safety climate programs, their proliferation, their results, their underlying behavioral theory, or the extent and means of their assessment. Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP) Project BTS- 01 added to existing research on work-related, employer-based traffic safety programs by assessing the success of such programs and determining what elements of these programs and other behavioral change programs have the greatest likelihood of changing driver behavior and safety culture in the workplace.
Overview of BTSCRP WebResource 1
BTSCRP WebResource 1 was developed on the basis of research conducted under BTSCRP Project BTS-01. BTSCRP WebResource 1 incorporates the essential components–such as theory, previous research, and lessons learned from practice–that are necessary to plan, implement, and evaluate an employer-based behavioral traffic safety program, along with various planning aids-such as an introduction to behavioral change theory, an overview of academic studies, an overview of measures of program effectiveness, and a logic model template to aid program development and implementation.
Clicking on one of the first three questions represented in the home page graphic ("What are other people doing and what is available?" "How do we change behavior?" and "How do I know my program is working?") takes users to a filter-enabled search that will help them find research that addresses their particular issues of concern (the three topics are also accessible via the "Employee Safety" tab in the top-level navigation).
Clicking on the fourth item in the home page graphic, "What can help me plan my safety program?" takes readers to a page that introduces logic models, which are commonly used in program planning and assessment. This introduction includes a hypothetical example showing how a logic model might be used and developed by an organization. Finally, a tool is provided that will help users build their own logic model (this topic is also accessible via the "Employee Safety" tab in the top-level navigation).
Clicking on "View Safety Insights," the fifth item in the home page graphic, will take users to "Safety Insights," where the case studies presented in the section are filtered by safety topic.
The glossary provides definitions of terms. "Bibliography" provides reference information for resources cited in the WebResource as well as other material related to safety. "Pre-packaged Programs/Safety Organizations" lists organizations that provide safety training and tools as well as organizations focused on safety. The listings include a brief description of and a link to each organization.
For a detailed description of the research underlying BTSCRP WebResource 1, consult BTSCRP Web-Only Document 3: Developing Employer-Based Behavioral Traffic Safety Programs for Drivers in the Workplace.