Supplemental Resources

ACRP Reports/Projects:

ACRP Synthesis 8: Common Use Facilities and Equipment at Airports

  • Published: 2008
  • This synthesis covers the common use facilities and equipment in the airport environment as of 2008. The reader will find the early vision of common use and suggestions to operators, regulators, and other stakeholders on the role of common use in airport operations.


ACRP Report 30: Reference Guide on Understanding Common Use at Airports

  • Published: 2010
  • This report provides a deep look into the developing role of common use in airports. The reader will find detailed information on the impact and considerations of developing and operating a common use environment.


ACRP Report 41: Guide to the Decision-Making Tool for Evaluating Passenger Self-Tagging

  • Published: 2011
  • This report provides evaluation tools to airports regarding passenger self-tagging in the United States. The reader will find insights into the early adoption and vision of passenger self-tagging processes and programs through lessons learned by studying airports around the world.


ACRP Report 111: A Guidebook for Airport-Airline Consortiums

  • Published: 2014
  • This report helps to prepare airport and airline stakeholders for consortiums and other agreements. The reader will find best practices, standards, financial methods, and other valuable information.


ACRP Report 136: Implementing Integrated Self-Service at Airports

  • Published: 2015
  • This report covers the implementation of integrated self-service equipment at airports. The reader will learn about the evolution of the passenger journey from an airline-centric to a passenger-centric process and find sections on self-service vision, planning, and implementation.


ACRP Report 157: Improving the Airport Customer Experience

  • Published: 2016
  • This report provides valuable insights into best practices of airport customer service management.


ACRP Research Report 161: Guidelines for Improving Airport Services for International Customers

  • Published: 2016
  • This report helps airport operators best serve international passengers through their airport journey. The reader will find a number of instructive guidelines and strategies to aid these international operations.


ACRP Research Report 231: Evaluating the Traveler's Perspective to Improve the Airport Customer Experience

  • Published: 2021
  • This report covers the changing passenger airport journey and how the airport operators should respond. The reader will find valuable information on creating a seamless passenger journey.


ACRP Research Report 233: Airport Biometrics: A Primer

  • Published: 2022
  • This report gives an overview of airport biometrics and its impact on passengers and airport processes. The reader will find implementation considerations as well.


ACRP Project 01-47:  A Guide to Developing a Culture of Innovation at Airports

  • Published: TBD
  • This playbook provides insights and guidance on how airport operators (at different levels) can grow a culture of innovation. The reader will find ways to look deeper than what are considered innovative projects and into how an airport organization as a whole can move toward a culture of innovation.


ACRP WebResource 10: Periodic Publication on Transformative Technology at Airports

  • Updated periodically.
  • This website gives an overview of several transformative technologies and their impacts on the aviation industry. The site also contains use cases, case studies, and aviation interviews.


ACRP Research Report 241: Toward a Touchless Journey

  • Published: 2022
  • This report covers touchless solutions and strategies that can be applied at airports of any size. The reader will find several best practices and techniques for implementing and planning touchless solutions, which are well aligned to providing a seamless journey experience for airport customers.