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Chapter 2: A Holistic Common Use Perspective and Program

What is a Holistic Common Use Perspective and Program?

A holistic common use perspective is one in which everything is on the table, and everyone is involved, as shown in Figure 2.1.

Everything is on the table, and everyone is involved

Figure 2.1: A Holistic Common Use Perspective

A holistic perspective to common use ensures those who would consider these details are brought to the table to ensure that no stone is left unturned. However, this perspective is not one in which the airport operator dictates every small operational factor and micromanages all stakeholders. That would be ineffective and impractical. The airport operator does not need to own and operate everything; it is simply their role to coordinate activities and ensure that they are carried out with the customers and future in mind.

Key Elements of a Holistic Common Use Program

An airport operator with a holistic common use perspective needs an accompanying program to plan and manage common use efforts. Figure 2.2 presents the key elements of such a program.

Program Key Elements

Figure 2.2: Key Elements of a Holistic Common Use Program

These elements are further described in Chapters 5-10, which will lead you through the pieces needed to develop a holistic common use program at your airport.

Why a Holistic Common Use Program is Needed

The Box of common use (described in Chapter 1) is already in place at several airports-or at least in specific terminals-and there is no question as to the benefit, even in a rather limited implementation. Yet most of these programs have yet to embody a truly holistic perspective. But is this really that important? And if so, why would that be the case?

The following reasons shown in Figure 2.3 make a holistic common use program a necessity for those who wish to operate their airport efficiently and serve their airline partners, stakeholders, and customers effectively.


Figure 2.3: Why a Holistic Common Use Program is Needed

See the Deep Dive for this chapter for an expansion of each of these points.