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Chapter 4: Common Use Self-Assessment

This chapter is dedicated to providing you with an opportunity to assess your airport's alignment with the holistic common use perspective and readiness moving forward. Consider the questions presented and document your answers in your Assessment and Planning Worksheet (click here if you need a copy).

Common Use Operation

Visionary Philosophy / Methodology

Review the questions below and make notes in your Assessment and Planning Worksheet on the aspects of each that describe your current common use program. Also, make notes on the aspects that describe areas where you would like to see the program develop:

  • Is your airport operating (a) under the traditional model of facility management, in the manner of a landlord-tenant relationship with statically leased space and disparate (usually proprietary) systems deployed; or (b) as a facility operator that is seeking to maximize overall flexibility and enhance opportunities across the passenger journey?
  • Is your airport leasing common use locations (a) statically in such a way that would make it difficult to move an airline if needed; or (b) in a fully flexible installation to maximize the operational efficiency of the airport? Has the airline operating agreement addressed the ability to place other airline operations on preferentially assigned facilities? Does it also allow for the airport to direct the push of an aircraft off a preferential gate to an off-gate parking position-and is there adequate off-gate parking?
  • Does your airport currently consider passenger experience to be a responsibility of the airline, the airport, or both-extending even to other stakeholders in the environment?
  • Is your airport currently (or prepared to begin) integrating data into a central data repository to facilitate the sharing between systems for increased revenue opportunities, flexibility, and efficiency? If that system and/or capability exists, is there a plan for expansion?
Challenges and Opportunities

Review the common challenges and opportunities described in Chapter 3 and assess the specific challenges and opportunities your airport faces as they relate to the key factors from Chapter 3. Download the Assessment and Planning Worksheet for a table to document your assessment.

Holistic Progression Level

Review the holistic progression levels listed below (which are described in Chapter 3 and included in your Assessment and Planning Worksheet) and make notes on the aspects in each that describe your current common use program. It is likely that your specific program may have aspects that appear at different levels. Also, make notes on the aspects that describe where you would like to see the program develop.

  • Level 0: No Common Use
  • Level 1: Basic Common Use Systems and Services
  • Level 2: Air Service Focused Basic Common Use Systems and Services
  • Level 3: Air Service Focused Significant Common Use Systems and Services
  • Level 4: Passenger Journey Focused Significant Common Use Systems and Services
  • Level 5: Holistic Implementation, Airport-Wide Common Use Systems and Service

Common Use Readiness

Based on the details in Chapter 3 regarding the topics below, answer the questions included in your Assessment and Planning Worksheet to determine your common use readiness. In doing so, make notes on the aspects that need to be addressed as priorities and where you see opportunities to make some progress.

Stakeholders Leading and Involved
  • Executive
  • Operations / Facilities / Maintenance / Planning
  • Business / Properties / Air Service Development
  • Public Affairs / Customer Service / Passenger Experience
  • Technology / Innovation
Issues and Challenges by Stakeholder
  • Airports
  • Airlines
  • Regulatory Agencies
  • Business Partners
  • Passengers
Systems, Equipment, Emerging Technologies, Data, and Services
  • Passenger Processing Systems
  • Airport Systems
  • Airline Systems and Equipment
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Data
  • Services