Airport Case Study: Fresno Yosemite International Airport

Key Highlights

  • Implemented an initial phase of common use in 2008.
  • Quickly recovered pre-pandemic international traffic due to flexibility provided by common use.
  • Growth has greatly benefited the surrounding community.
  • Common use was a primary enabler of growth, with the airport's director stating, ”We would never have been able to expand the terminal facilities to accommodate the growth needed for a proprietary operation. The flexibility brought by common use was a key enabler for our growth, which plays a vital economic and air service role in Fresno and surrounding communities.”
  • Sees common use as a way to be a partner with the airlines.
  • Gave a mandate to airlines to have 80% of ground service equipment (GSE) be electric.
  • Working to install electric charging stations for all ground handling.
  • City IT handles all airport IT work.


Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT) has used common use to help maximize growth in its currently limited operating space. The focus on common use helped the airport to recover traffic very quickly after the slowdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the airport functions in a fully common use environment and sees common use programs as a way to be a partner to the airlines. The airport operators realized that airlines are willing to participate in common use programs, especially when those programs are designed to be reasonably low effort on their part.

The airport's common use program is expanding to include ground handling and baggage service offices (BSO). New projects at the airport will bring common use concessions, baggage handling, and more dynamic signage. Amadeus is the primary solution provider for FAT and helps to provide support for the common use systems in place.

Focus Systems and Services

  • Electric GSE
  • Camera systems (view by request)
  • Radio-frequency identification (RFID) equipped (only Delta is on the RFID equipment)
  • Work on a new baggage system
  • Shared BSO

Airport Images


Flight Information Displays 


Check-in Counters




Ramp Charging Station