Memorandum of (No date), from Allen, Melissa J., Assistant Secretary for Administration to Mead, Kenneth M., Inspector General


Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)


The City did not need to renegotiate its leases for aeronautical uses to reflect the fair market value of the lease. (pp. 1-2).|The City needed to renegotiate leases for non-aeronautical uses that were not appropriately leased at market value. (p. 2).|The City did not need to reimburse the airport fund for rental payments transferred to airport-related job programs but did need to reimburse the airport fund for lost or imputed rent that may have been diverted to non-airport related job programs that did not benefit the Airport. (p. 2).|An airline's maintenance facility and its support facilities, such as parking, qualify as aeronautical uses. (p. 2).

Index Terms:

Aeronautical activity|Market value|Land lease|Airport Revenues (Grant Assurance 25)|Revenue diversion|Fee and Rental Structure (Grant Assurance 24)